Affect Objectives

Teacher candidates will be able to:

  1. Analyze the benefits of family engagement in classrooms and schools
  2. Identify and apply strategies to learn about students’ and families’ backgrounds and use them during instruction to enhance student learning.
  3. Recognize the value of effective communication with families and practice with various research-based communication approaches.
  4. Summarize various strategies to engage families in and out of the classroom and propose some to try in the classroom
  5. Create, implement, and evaluate a plan to enhance FE in the classroom.
  6. Interpret how changes in FE practices affect
    students’ well being and performance.

Organization of Modules

The modules include three sections:

i. Background. This section includes theory and research informing each module. It also includes audio and video contributions from different stakeholders such as parents, students, and teachers to illuminate the ideas presented in the module.

ii. Ways to put those conceptual models into practice. This section provides concrete ideas and activities teacher candidates can use. It links to the previous section and to teaching and learning standards.

iii. Resources. This section shares materials related to family engagement such as books, websites, videos, and organizations that can help teacher candidates extend the ideas presented in the modules


Order of modules:

We needed to break the content into different modules and sections to make it manageable. We have used the following structure:

  1. First, one needs to learn about the students and families
  2. Second, one can then use this knowledge to establish effective communication with those parties, and
  3. Third, one ought to use information about background and the existing lines of communication to promote family participation in and out of school

We are aware, however, that in practice many of these things happen concurrently and it is best to address all fronts at the same time and thus invite you to navigate the modules as you see fit in response to your needs.